A Global HVAC Technology Company

Recognized globally for innovative, reliable, and energy-efficient air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems.

Meet Daikin

Daikin provides heating, cooling, ventilation, air purification, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, and connected devices for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Our advanced indoor comfort solutions address the need for sustainable, energy-efficient indoor comfort for nearly any climate - today and tomorrow.

Quality and Reliability

Daikin products are known for their exceptional quality and reliability, often exceeding industry standards.


Daikin integrates sustainability into its operations and product development, aligning with global environmental goals.

Heritage and Trust

Founded in 1924, Daikin has a long legacy of excellence that builds trust and confidence among customers and partners.

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Comfort meets innovation.

Daikin’s relentless pursuit of innovation and cutting-edge technology sets a new standard for sustainable, energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions.


Efficient Inverter Technology

Adaptive inverter systems adjust the compressor speed to match the cooling and heating needs of a home, which can help keep energy usage and electric bills low compared to less efficient traditional on/off, non-inverter systems.


All-Season Heat Pump

Advanced all-electric, all-season heat pumps are designed to keep your home comfortable year-round, providing reliable heating and cooling for nearly every climate.

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Quiet and Consistent Comfort

Inverter systems gradually adjust the compressor speed, resulting in quiet sounds and consistent temperatures.


Multi-zone flexibility

Multi-zone ductless mini-split systems deliver flexibility and customized comfort, offering precise temperature control for a personalized indoor environment in every room.


A century of shaping the future.

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100+ Years

in global operation

30+ Years

in North American operation


US employees


Distribution locations

$7 Billion+

Invested in U.S. infrastructure

A leader in premium and sustainable HVAC technologies.

Over 5,000 local contractors trust and choose Daikin.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in economic value flow to contractors, suppliers, and small businesses.


Daikin and R-32

Daikin leads the industry in sustainability initiatives, such as the transition to R-32 refrigerant, which has a lower global warming potential. Our focus on energy-efficient products helps reduce the environmental impact of HVAC systems.

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Energy Efficiency

R-32 is efficient at transferring heat. The Daikin ATMOSPHERA with R-32 has up to 12% more cooling efficiency and up to 18% more heating efficiency than comparable R-410A LV Series systems, providing potential energy savings that may help reduce your utility bill.

Low Global Warming Potential

R-32 has a low global warming potential and, based on Daikin analysis, R-32 systems can reduce direct emissions from refrigerant by up to 74% as compared to R-410A.

Ease of Use

As a single-component refrigerant, R-32 is easy to clean, reuse, recover, and reclaim, simplifying maintenance and recycling.

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If all R-410A systems were replaced with R-32, the total impact of HFC (Hydrofluorocarbons) could be reduced by up to 800 million tons of CO2e.*


Tech Patents Released

Technology Patents Released

Daikin has proactively released 400+ patents related to the design and optimization of R-32-based systems.


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